[shh]out like a lion.

when a band is capable of taking an annoying everyday sound such as a car alarm and manipulating it ‘til it gets you shaking your hips a bit, they’ve pretty much got it made in the dance/punk scene. but unlike a lot of newer bands, the yeah yeah yeahs aren’t just another name you hear hipsters drop just to guarantee getting laid by other hipsters. people have actually heard their music, and they even like it!
for the four or so short years they’ve been around, they yeah yeah yeah's have created quite a stir, even if most of their press is shamefully misdirected, often bypassing the band’s music to gossip about karen o’s quirky fashion sense, wildly drunken onstage antics, and/or her romance with liars frontman, angus andrew. seriously though, the yeah yeah yeahs deserve all the hype they’ve gotten and their loyal following has backed them with the kind of confidence that many new bands lack, allowing them to take a big risk with their second full length album.
show your bones does just that, exposes the bones of the band, which are definitely solid but not nearly as hard as you might’ve expected. remember when KISS took off their makeup? okay, well it’s not that bad, but almost as shocking. if before the band conjured images of a rabid jaguar, now they’ve gone gold lion. sure “maps” is a good song, i can’t deny it without my pants lighting fire, but, i’m sort of disappointed by a new album full of similar-sounding slowed down songs.
the howling and hardrock breakdowns are still there, you’ve just got to listen more carefully. just do yourself a favor and skip over “dudley” (a painfully embarrassing ripoff of the lullaby, mommas gonna buy you a mockingbird). instead, check out songs like "phenomena," "honeybear," "mysteries", and "turn into." trust me, we’ll all get used to this. i can feel it in my bones.
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